Restricted Product Access for Opencart 3 is released!
Restricted Product Access for Opencart 3 is released!
We continue to adapt modules to Opencart 3 version. The process is not easy but it goes on. We are happy to anounce that Restricted Product Access module was released for Opencart 3. You can get more information about this module at this page:
Meanwhile we made some imrpovements to Ka Extensions library. Another version was released. Many users of our modules for Opencart 2 are used to click on the 'Ka Extensions' link in the left menu. Now this link is back! Actually it is just a shortcut for the 'Extensions / Ka Extensions' page but we believe that it would be helpful for many customers.
Also Ka Extensions library got the ability to check a compatibility of the extension with the Ka Extensions library itself. Now, after installing a new extensions the administrator may be asked to update Ka Extensions library if some major changes are missed in the installed version. We hope it will not happen often of course, but it is better to have this feature there just in case.
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