How to configure automatic export

1) First, you need to install the 'Task Scheduler' extension and configure a cron script to run the task scheduler itself periodically. It can be verified if you see a green bar on the extension settings page, or if you see that the last run time increases periodically on the 'Tasks' page.

2) After you complete installation and configuration of the task scheduler you need to create an export profile like "export file1.csv" on the export page which will be used for exporting the data. The source file for the profile has to be specified as a file on the local server. For example it can be a file in the store root directory:

3) When the profile is set and you checked that it is exported successfully you need to create a new task for exporting this file. Time and period are important here. After creating a task you should check that the task works fine by running it once manually.

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